4.5k+ Completed Orders
99% Success Rate
2900 Satisfied students
41 Months on Educrafter


I’m Rachel Wilson, a PhD graduate in Literature, History, and Film & Theatre Studies. My passion for these subjects drives my commitment to student success.

My services include:

  • Assisting with literature, history, and film/theatre assignments.
  • Tutoring on critical theories and historical contexts.
  • Guiding on essays and research papers for in-depth analysis.


I am dedicated to helping you achieve academic excellence and deepen your understanding of these fields. Let’s work together to enhance your academic performance.

Student ratings


10-Apr-2024   Queen Marry University of London

Rachel provides the best essay writing service for film and theatre studies. She’s fantastic!


12-Mar-2024   Imperial College London

The best history writer I’ve hired. Rachel’s work is always exceptional!


05-Apr-2024   EU Business School

Highly recommend Rachel as the best research paper writer for literature!


10-May-2024   Harvard University

Rachel’s guidance on my dissertation was invaluable. Best dissertation writing service!


15-May-2024   University of Southern California

Her literary knowledge is superb. Rachel is the best essay writer!


14-May-2024   Regent's University

Rachel is an excellent paper writer. My history essays have never been better!


16-Apr-2024   University of Arts

The best film studies writer I've worked with. Rachels’s insights are incredible!


16-Apr-2024   University of Southern California

James’s essay writing service for history is outstanding. Highly recommend!


09-May-2024   Stanford University

I found the best dissertation writer in Rachel. Exceptional literary help!


27-May-2024   New York University

Rachel is the best literature writer. Her expertise is unmatched!

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