  • Laura
  • 1.2k+
1.8k+ Completed Orders
98% Success Rate
1200 Satisfied students
34 Months on Educrafter


I’m Laura Brown, a PhD graduate in Architecture. My expertise in design and architectural principles helps students achieve their academic goals.

My services include:

  • Assisting with architecture assignments and projects.
  • Tutoring on design concepts, structures, and history.
  • Guiding on project development and presentation for creativity and precision.


I am dedicated to helping you excel in your studies and develop your skills in architecture. Let’s work together to bring your architectural visions to life.

Student ratings


18-Apr-2024   Imperial College London

She’s got a real gift for turning messy drafts into polished A+ essays!


06-Jun-2024   University of Oxford

I had no idea where to start with my essay, but Laura took control and nailed it!


14-Apr-2024   Regent's University

Her work made my life so much easier. Definitely coming back to Laura!


18-Mar-2024   University of Cambridge

The essay Laura wrote was perfect for my class. Couldn’t have asked for better!


13-Jun-2024   University of St. Andrews

I’m seriously impressed by how quickly Laura works while still keeping it top quality!


27-May-2024   University of Westminster

Her writing style made my professor comment on how professional my essay was!


14-May-2024   City University, London

She took my scattered notes and made them into a well-organized paper!


30-May-2024   Queen Marry University of London

Laura got my essay done early and it was honestly better than I could have written!


15-May-2024   Imperial College London

The level of research Laura put into my essay was incredible!


20-May-2024   Hult University, London

Laura’s essay turned a stressful assignment into a total win. So happy with the result!

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