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I’m Paul Thompson, a PhD in Engineering, Physics, and Mathematics. With a strong technical background, I provide expert academic support.

My services include:

  • Assisting with engineering, physics, and math assignments.
  • Tutoring on complex theories and problem-solving techniques.
  • Guiding on technical projects and research for precision and innovation.


My approach is tailored to your unique learning style, ensuring that you grasp complex concepts and excel in your studies. Let me help you achieve academic excellence in engineering, physics, and mathematics.

Student ratings


16-May-2024   Brown University

Paul provides the best essay writing service for engineering and physics subjects. He’s fantastic!


22-May-2024   Harvard University

The best math writer I’ve hired. Paul’s work is always exceptional!


06-May-2024   University of Oxford

Highly recommend Paul as the best research paper writer for engineering!


16-Apr-2024   Imperial College London

John’s guidance on my dissertation was invaluable. Best dissertation writing service!


24-Apr-2024   Yale University

His physics knowledge is superb. Paul is the best essay writer!


16-May-2024   University of Cambridge

Michael is an excellent paper writer. My engineering reports have never been better!


16-May-2024   Harvard University

The best physics writer I've worked with. Paul’s insights are incredible!


16-Apr-2024   University of Edinburgh

Paul’s essay writing service for math is outstanding. Highly recommend!


17-Apr-2024   University of St. Andrews

Paul is the best engineering writer. His expertise is unmatched!


22-May-2024   Yale University

I found the best dissertation writer in Paul. Exceptional physics help!

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