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25 Months on Educrafter


I’m Albert Thompson, a PhD graduate in engineering with extensive knowledge and experience in the field. My expertise spans various engineering disciplines, allowing me to provide comprehensive support to students and professionals alike. My work involves:

  • Assisting students in completing engineering projects and assignments to meet academic standards
  • Tutoring clients on technical writing and report preparation
  • Ensuring adherence to guidelines and delivering work within set deadlines
  • Throughout my career, I have gathered significant experience that enables me to guide students in executing their projects effectively and with precision. In addition to academic and technical writing, my skills include:
  • Draft preparation
  • Editing and formatting technical documents
  • Proofreading and technical paraphrasing
  • Developing project outlines and proposals


Let me help you achieve excellence in your engineering studies and projects through dedicated and expert guidance.

Student ratings


31-May-2024   Harvard University

Albert’s help with my dissertation was invaluable. Best service!


01-Apr-2024   London Business School

His engineering knowledge is top-tier. Albert is the best essay writer!


12-Mar-2024   Imperial College London

Albert’s paper writing skills in engineering are exceptional!


16-Mar-2024   New York University

The best engineering writer I’ve worked with. Albert’s guidance is superb!


10-Apr-2024   King's College London

Albert’s essay writing service for engineering is excellent!


22-Jun-2024   City University

Albert’s dissertation help in engineering is fantastic. Highly recommend!


30-Apr-2024   University of Cambridge

Albert’s engineering expertise is unmatched. My projects have greatly improved!


15-May-2024   Stanford University

Albert provides the best essay writing service for engineering topics!


15-Apr-2024   MIT

Albert’s engineering insights are always outstanding!


22-Feb-2024   University of Cambridge

Highly recommend Albert for engineering research papers!

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