  • Sophia
  • 4.5k+
6k+ Completed Orders
99% Success Rate
4500 Satisfied students
34 Months on Educrafter


I’m Sophia Adams, a PhD graduate specializing in financial economics. With a robust academic background and a passion for financial analysis, I offer expertise in research and advisory services. I assist students in finance and economics with assignments, personal statements for college applications, and ensure access to essential resources.

My responsibilities include:

  • - Preparing and evaluating assignments
  • - Editing, proofreading, and rewriting essays and research papers
  • - Crafting drafts and outlines
  • - Adhering to various writing techniques and styles in finance and economics


I prioritize meeting client expectations with timely delivery and responsive communication. My expertise ensures assignments are tailored to meet subject-specific requirements with credible sources and thorough citations.

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